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“Green-Line Tax-Free Income Strategies”
Implications of Taxes In Retirement

- What happens to your retirement income if taxes go up?
- Current tax laws: how they impact your income
- 401 (k), IRA, and other retirement accounts
- Planning for tax implications
Tactics For a
Tax-Free Income

- Financial products that may provide tax-free income
- Insurance Vs.Investments: how the rules differ
- Key factors in choosing a tax-free income strategy
- Maximizing your retirement income
Benefits of Tax-Free
Retirement Strategies

- Protecting your money while it grows
- How to provide tax-free income for your beneficiaries
- Eliminating the need for probate
- How to add flexibility and tax-free liquidity to your portfolio
Why Tax-Free
Income Matters

- How taxes can change your overall retirement picture
- Possible ways to enhance your income
- Ways to protect and grow your money, tax-free
- Can you retire tax-free?