Best Places to Retire in 2024
We read an article recently examining more than 800 locations in America, comparing everything from housing costs to taxes to health care, air quality, and natural hazard risk. What they found were some of the best places to retire in 2024.
The town of Las Cruces, for example, a town of 116,000 people, has a median home price of only $284,000 (which is 28% under the national median).
Interestingly, their only choice down in Florida was Pensacola, a city of 53,000 with a median house price of just $262,000–the rest of sunny Florida apparently had too high of hurricane risks (or home prices).
All but two of the 25 total picks have home prices below the national median. The cheapest location, Augusta, Georgia, has a median home price of just $1720,000–that’s 56% below the national median.
Is your city one of the best places to retire in 2024? Is there one in your state? Read the full article to learn more.